Friday, November 9, 2012

Him: To You I Give My All

I lust for you in every way possible.
My soul needs you like the sky needs the sun.
When I  look into your deep, brown eyes,
my heart beats overtime.
I hold you in my arms as a symbol of protection.
I caress your soft, silk-like skin as a symobl of my afffection.
I whisper "I love you" in your ear because i'm speaking to the heart instead of flesh.
I wonder if you know that i notice the things you try to hide.
I notice how you shake in my arms.
So I hold you tighter.
I see when your hands tremble
That's why I place kisses upon them.
Even though you stutter sometimes when you speak,
I understand you completly.
I think about you constantly when your not in my arms.
I wonder if you think about me too.
I have finally found my purpose in life.
God created me just for you.

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